Prayer Request
Luke 18:1 - Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart.
Thank you for visiting our website and seeking prayer. Our prayer team is at your service to receive your prayer request and intercede on your behalf in prayer. Please complete form below to submit your prayer request. May the Lord bless you abundantly.
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Prayer Requests
Terry S. • Posted on 11/14/2022 • Depression
I am request prayer for defeat of depression. It is my desire to rise up in spite of what had been done to me, rise up in spite of what has been said about about me, rise up in spite of what has been taken from me. I want to set free from wanting to victorious in the material things of this earth, but focus more on the things that are of the spirit.
Anonymous • Posted on 7/8/2019 • General
Mother needs healing